Dartmouth and Kingswear Society

Current Issues

The Society takes a close interest in those issues which may have a significant impact on the environment of our locality or the vitality of our community. Key aspects which we are currently monitoring include:

Dartmouth Conservation Areas and Green Spaces - August 2024

South Hams District Council initiated many months ago a review of possible extensions to the designated areas agreed in 2013. The Society submitted our “Proposed Extensions” to them in late October 2023 before their deadline for comments of 27 October 2023.

We chased them regularly but staff resignation and lack of resources at their end has meant open consultation is long overdue and unresolved. SHDC have recently advised that they are looking at our submission and, hopefully, our consultation will follow.

Our proposals were

(1) for extensions to include Sandquay, Coronation Park, extension to the Mount Boone area up to the top of and including Mount Boone Way and the area down to College Way, including the Orchard and an extension of the Warfleet area out to the Castle, and (2) to consider other observations about the need for a Conservation Management Plan, for Enforcement around the Conservation areas and the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan (DNP) area, for design issues to be properly policed, for existing rules and regulations to be met and to ensure that proper Conservation Area status protects both the existing and future agreed conservation areas.

We await their reply and our consultation.

Our current action is to continue to watch out carefully to require compliance by both Local and District officials with the policies and aspirations approved in the DNP itself and particularly regarding compliance re planning, Green Spaces and housing matters.

We are seeking also to ensure that legislative changes affecting Natural Landscapes (the new name for our local AONB) which are designed to strengthen the duty placed on public bodies to further the conservation and enhancement of protected landscapes, such as parts of Dartmouth, are make certain that SHDC as the public body involved complies with that additional duty through their Planning Enforcement Plans and/or Protocols.

Hopefully we will be enjoined willingly by SHDC in the near future in these important deliberations.

Double Steps Pontoon - February 2021

As part of its vision and strategic objectives Dart Harbour is considering a project to enhance use and access to the water on the North Embankment, including the landing at the Double Steps.

A consultation exercise was carried out in February 2021 to which the Society responded.

At the forefront of our response was the need to protect the views from the Embankment to the surrounding AONB.

Cotton Farm Development - March 2016 and May 2019

Baker Estates acquired this site, which is allocated for development in the Plymouth & South West Devon Joint Local Plan, in 2018.

Outline consent for Phase 1 (up to 240 homes, plus employment land, a local centre, public open space and access off Townstal Road) was granted on appeal in March 2016. South Hams District Council (SHDC) then granted outline permission for Phase 2, allowing for a further 210 homes, in May 2019.

Baker Estates secured delegated consent from SHDC for 116 homes (as well as public open space, highways and landscaping) as part of Phase 1, receiving the support of Stoke Fleming Parish Council and Dartmouth Town Council. This is the first part of the site that is being developed and includes 36 affordable homes that will all be available for rent.

The development is on programme with the initial infrastructure, including a new roundabout, and show complex being completed by April 2021.

The Society continues to monitor progress closely.

Noss Redevelopment -

Noss on Dart Marina continues to be a hive of activity with the ongoing redevelopment works picking up pace. The Contractors are working hard to complete Phase 1 of both the new Commercial Buildings and new car park with the steel framework now up to roof level and roof sheets being fitted.

Construction of the new floating marina has made rapid progress, with almost all of the old metal pontoons now removed and replaced. The Society continues to monitor progress.

Destruction of wall in Mount Boone - May 2021

From the Dartmouth Chronicle of 27 th May 2021. On Monday (24 th May) Mount Boone residents woke to find a digger demolishing part of what is claimed to be a centuries-old wall that once formed part of the Mount Boone Estate. To-day the wall creates a boundary between 28 Redwalls Meadow and Mount Boone.

The demolition was ordered by the site owner to create an access point for the removal of some ‘tipped earth’ from his garden.

Our chairman, Robert Brooke, had responded as follows: ‘The wilful and disgraceful destruction of the wall is totally unacceptable. Their vandalism by destroying the wall is probably a serious error and may have legal consequences. The current gap now needs to be properly restored in keeping with the style and the heritage nature of the wall. It must never again be breached as there is no access currently from Mount Boone and this arrangement needs to remain for heritage and for road safety reasons.’

Response to ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper

The Planning for the future consultation proposed reforms of the planning system to streamline and modernise the planning process, bring a new focus to design and sustainability, improve the system of developer contributions to infrastructure, and ensure more land is available for development where it is needed.

The Society is deeply concerned about the Government’s plans to radically reform the planning system. The proposals are set out in a white paper and a consultation exercise has been carried out, to which the Society responded. The consultation period ran from the 6th Aug 2020 until the 29th Oct 2020. These proposals are still under consideration but early reports indicate that the consultation response has led to a rethink on the way housing numbers are to be calculated especially in rural areas.

Response to ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper - 6th Aug 2020 until the 29th Oct 2020.

The Planning for the future consultation proposed reforms of the planning system to streamline and modernise the planning process, bring a new focus to design and sustainability, improve the system of developer contributions to infrastructure, and ensure more land is available for development where it is needed.

The Society is deeply concerned about the Government’s plans to radically reform the planning system. The proposals are set out in a white paper and a consultation exercise has been carried out, to which the Society responded. The consultation period ran from the 6th Aug 2020 until the 29th Oct 2020. These proposals are still under consideration but early reports indicate that the consultation response has led to a rethink on the way housing numbers are to be calculated especially in rural areas.

Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan

The Joint Local Plan (JLP) adopted in March 2019 is part of a ground-breaking strategic planning process for Plymouth and South West Devon which looks ahead to 2034. It sets a shared direction of travel for the long- term future of the area including Dartmouth designated as a ‘Thriving Town.’

The key purpose of the JLP is to establish an over-arching strategic framework for sustainable growth and the management of change, providing the statutory development plan for Plymouth, South Hams and West Devon.

The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) adopted in July 2020 again prepared by Plymouth City Council (PCC), South Hams District Council (SHDC) and West Devon Borough Council (WDBC) amplifies and gives guidance on the implementation of the policies of the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan (JLP).

Both these documents and the policies contained therein influence how the Society responds to planning applications.

The Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan

The Dartmouth Plan Steering Group is making good progress in preparing a Neighbourhood Plan and a number of topic groups have been formed:

Concerns on such matters as the Conservation Area, Open Space and Parking are being considered in detail and the Society is monitoring and being consulted on the policies that are emerging.

A formal review of the draft is soon to be undertaken by Dartmouth Town Council before being reviewed by South Hams District Council.

The website for the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan can be found at http://www.dartmouthplan.org.